8716 West Manslick Rd. Louisville KY 40272        email: info@hendrick.biz

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Please mail checks payable to: Hendrick Computer Services  
8716 W. Manslick Rd.
Louisville KY, 40272                                   PH 502-338-2302

E-mail your banner to hendrick@hendrick.biz

Banners will be posted upon receipt of payment and your 12 months will begin from day of posting. 

You will be notified by E-mail or land mail  (your choice) when your banner is posted.

We will try to give one month advance notice when your year is up. However, if we forget to notify you we will

allow a grace period for you to submit new payment for further advertising.                         

No personal information about any client will be sold or given to another party without the express written consent of the client.

Mike Hendrick

Owner:  Hendrick Computer Services